Premium Spices, Rubs, & Seasonings for Every Dish

A Touch of Lemon Myrtle

Traditionally used as a healing oil, Lemon Myrtle is also a delicious way to add flavour to savoury dishes (especially beef, lamb and chicken). Use it sparingly as a little bit of flavour goes a long way!


Lemon myrtle spice is perfect for use in both sweet and savoury dishes. Whole leaves can be used to make freshly brewed tea, substituted for bay leaves, used in curries, slow-cooked tagine, marinades and soups. Use milled, dried lemon myrtle leaves to impart a crisp, citrus flavour in syrups, glazes, cakes and biscuits.

It’s perfect for flavouring jam and preserves, as well as salad dressings, marinades, mayonnaise, savoury and sweet sauces, sorbet and ice cream. Use as a substitute for lemongrass in Asian dishes.

Use lemon myrtle in cooking to impart an intense citrus flavour. It pairs well with cream and fruit based desserts, cheese, cakes and biscuits. Perfectly complements a variety of fruit, in particular apple, pear, citrus, tropical (banana, mango, papaya, pineapple), watermelon and coconut.

Use on roasted root vegetables – sweet potato, pumpkin, beetroot, carrot, turnip, parsnip. Just combine it with olive oil, garlic, fresh herbs (such as rosemary, oregano and thyme) and sea salt and sprinkle it over your veggies. This combination also makes the perfect baste for roast chicken and pork. Rub into fish before pan-frying and finish with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice, or mix with butter, garlic and sea salt, and smear over corn on the cob.

Lemon myrtle lifts the profile of alcoholic beverages such as gin, vodka, white rum, Cointreau and tequila. Adds a refreshing sour taste to soda, tonic, mineral waters and lemonade.


  • The most concentrated source of plant citral (>90%). Citral contains powerful antimicrobial and antifungal properties, which are even superior to those of terpene hydrocarbons found in the renowned tea tree oil.
  • Lemon myrtle is an exceptional vegan source of calcium.
  • It’s also a good source of lutein, a carotenoid vitamin that plays an important role in eye health, improving symptoms in atrophic age-related macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of vision loss in aging Western societies. Lutein protects the retina from damage by inhibiting inflammation.
  • Lemon myrtle is a great source of antioxidants, such as phytochemicals that provide antioxidant activity in both the hydrophilic and lipophilic environment. These antioxidants provide comprehensive protection from oxidative stress, as well as other health benefits.
  • Its antioxidant capacity is higher than the blueberry, which is renowned worldwide as the ‘health-promoting fruit’.
  • Lemon myrtle is an excellent source of folate, Vitamin A, Vitamin E and essential minerals including zinc and magnesium. These nutrients are required for the synthesis and self-repair of DNA.
  • Lemon myrtle was traditionally used as a medicinal herb for treating headaches.